
jaipur rugs mosaic modern hand tufted rug

Prezzo € 2,610.00
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mosaic, a modern hand tufted rug in ebony and cherry by jaipur rugs, part of the zig zag collection, carpet size: 192X292 cm (6'3x9'6 ft)

SKU: RUG1183480

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jaipur rugs mosaic modern hand tufted rug

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mosaic, a modern hand tufted rug in ebony and cherry by jaipur rugs, part of the zig zag collection, carpet size: 192X292 cm (6'3x9'6 ft)

Contemporary Art for Your Floors – The Mosaic Modern Hand-Tufted Rug by Jaipur Rugs

Transform your living space with the Mosaic Modern Hand-Tufted Rug by Jaipur Rugs—a perfect blend of modern artistry and exceptional craftsmanship. Inspired by abstract mosaic patterns, this rug brings a touch of creativity and sophistication to any room.

Key Features:

  • Modern Design: A striking mosaic-inspired pattern with bold geometric shapes and a contemporary palette, ideal for modern interiors.
  • Hand-Tufted Excellence: Crafted by skilled artisans using hand-tufting techniques, ensuring quality, durability, and intricate detailing.
  • Luxurious Feel: Made with premium wool and viscose, the rug offers a plush texture that feels soft and inviting underfoot.
  • Versatile Charm: Perfect for living rooms, bedrooms, or offices, adding a unique and artistic focal point to your decor.

Elevate your home with a rug that’s as functional as it is beautiful. The Mosaic Modern Hand-Tufted Rug is more than just decor—it’s a statement of style and individuality.

Bring artful elegance to your space—shop now!

The brand: Jaipur Rugs is a family business strengthened by the purpose of protecting ancestral know-how and connecting rural craftsmanship with global consumers. By placing the human aspect at its core, the company has grown to become the largest network of artisans in India.
It uses the age-old art form of handmade carpets as a tool to bring prosperity into the homes of 40,000+ rural artisans of which 85% are women. It works in 650+ villages spread across five states in India, providing families with sustainable livelihood at their door steps.

Quality: Tufted Ultra HD
Weaving Technique: hand tufted - Using a tufting gun, an artisan tufts yarn into a fabric that is outlined with a design. The outline guides the artisan to know which color goes where, to create the rug's final design. These rugs have a canvas backing glued on to hold the knots in place and usually have a cut or cut and loop pile.
Primary Colour: ebony
Secondary Colour (border): cherry
Material: 60%-Wool Yarn,20%-Cotton Yarn,20%-Viscose Yarn
Shape: rectangular
Carpet Size: 192X292 cm (6'3x9'6 ft)
Other Standard Sizes available: 60x90, 90x150, 120x180, 150x240, 180x270, 240x300, 270x360, 300x420, 360x450 (please contact us at
Pile Height (in inches): 14 mm
Style: modern
Pattern: geometric and stripes
Designer: Keith Pillow
Collection: Zig Zag Collection



Jaipur Rugs binds itself to the contract with Rug Mark Foundation
to produce rugs without involvement of child labor, to register all
looms with the Rug Mark Foundation, and allow access to looms
for unannounced inspectors.

Recognition by the Director General Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India for stupendous export performance over the years, its continual growth in turnover and earnings from export of goods.

It is used to understand and examine the working conditions and environmental performance in an organization’s supply chain.

ISO 9001:2008 certifies quality. The reason for Jaipur Rugs progressive growth is the range of quality products which are accepted globally.


Certification assures that every component has been tested for harmful substance and is harmless for human health. The testing is conducted against an extensive catalogue of regulated and non-regulated substances which is updated atleast once a year.

dati tecnici

Quality: Tufted Ultra HD
Weaving Technique: hand tufted - Using a tufting gun, an artisan tufts yarn into a fabric that is outlined with a design. The outline guides the artisan to know which color goes where, to create the rug's final design. These rugs have a canvas backing glued on to hold the knots in place and usually have a cut or cut and loop pile.
Primary Colour: ebony
Secondary Colour (border): cherry
Material: 60%-Wool Yarn,20%-Cotton Yarn,20%-Viscose Yarn
Shape: rectangular
Carpet Size: 192X292 cm (6'3x9'6 ft)
Other Standard Sizes available: 60x90, 90x150, 120x180, 150x240, 180x270, 240x300, 270x360, 300x420, 360x450 (please contact us at
Pile Height (in inches): 14 mm
Style: modern
Pattern: geometric and stripes
Designer: Keith Pillow
Collection: Zig Zag Collection
The colors of this rug may vary due to lighting & different screens.
Owing to different rug sizes, motifs & design dimensions may vary.


Jaipur Rugs is a family business strengthened by the purpose of protecting ancestral know-how and connecting rural craftsmanship with global consumers. By placing the human aspect at its core, the company has grown to become the largest network of artisans in India. It uses the age-old art form of handmade carpets as a tool to bring prosperity into the homes of 40,000+ rural artisans of which 85% are women. It works in 650+ villages spread across five states in India, providing families with sustainable livelihood at their door steps.


  • Shedding is a natural property of new rug.
  • NON spazzolare o strofinare il tappeto.
  • Pulirlo solo periodicamente con l'aspirapolvere. Evitare di utilizzare la modalità spazzola del battitore a vuoto
  • In caso di fuoriuscite, asciugare immediatamente. Non strofinare la macchia.
  • Ruotare di tanto in tanto per pareggiare l'usura.
  • Utilizzare protezioni sotto le gambe dei mobili pesanti per evitare appiattimenti e impilamenti.
  • Se il filo esce non tirare il filo, tagliarlo con le forbici.
  • Si consiglia la pulizia professionale periodica.
  • DO NOT fold the rug.


Jaipur Rugs binds itself to the contract with Rug Mark Foundation to produce rugs without involvement of child labor, to register all looms with the Rug Mark Foundation, and allow access to looms for unannounced inspectors.

Recognition by the Director General Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India for stupendous export performance over the years, its continual growth in turnover and earnings from export of goods.

It is used to understand and examine the working conditions and environmental performance in an organization’s supply chain.

ISO 9001:2008 certifies quality. The reason for Jaipur Rugs progressive growth is the range of quality products which are accepted globally.

Certification assures that every component has been tested for harmful substance and is harmless for human health. The testing is conducted against an extensive catalogue of regulated and non-regulated substances which is updated atleast once a year.

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